Shiny Happy Horses- Horse Care Blog | Lucky Braids for Top Turnout

Shiny Happy Horses

February 26, 2025


Dingy Yellow or Snowy White?

Are you going to be uphill, always fighting stains and skin problems?  Or are you going to lock into the Lucky Braids paradigm to keep it simple and sweet?  Think: Less products, expenses, applications... for healthy skin and hair.  
Here's how to get SNOWY WHITE tails, manes and coats that are EASY to maintain...
Photo: Quinn Saunders

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June 30, 2022


How-to For Stain-Free & EASY to Groom Greys

People always ask me how I get Henry so sparkly white. Truth be told, there is no keeping this over sized piggy from his beloved mud, and I don’t have a magic trick… but I do have something close. I used to scrub Henry on almost a daily basis with purple shampoo, only to find him covered in stains that wouldn’t...

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June 23, 2017


Snowy White

stop tail stains


Here’s a proven and guaranteed program for tails to be SNOWY WHITE, bright and SHINY.

Rule #1: Don’t use detangler. It can discolor. Plus, you WON’T NEED and added conditioner nor detangler with this program.
Rule #2: Don’t use conventional whitening shampoos. Did you ever notice those horses always seem to get dirty? Drying shampoos...

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October 02, 2014


The Painted-On Look

Painted-On Look

Amanda Steege's Top Turnout

We call this the PAINTED-ON LOOK. People talk about numbers of braids. A great braider knows what's REALLY important is that the:

  • Bottomline of the mane is perfectly straight.
  • Mane braids are sized so they sit well on the neck.
  • Cheat the angle so braids are longer toward the poll than the withers, and the neck looks rounder.
  • Maintain a really uniform and/or gradual visual rhythm to the braids and they carry your eye down the neck.
  • Braids are comfortable and sturdy. Braids that look painted-on won’t jiggle to distract the eye, nor go askew with scrubbing crest releases.

This is a topnotch braid job by Jeff Claxton, is yet another way Amanda Steege distinguishes herself and Ashmeadow Farm for *EXCELLENCE IN HORSEMANSHIP.* Consider this another Top Turnout Salute!

Braid like a pro

If you want to braid like this, lots of tips are posted in the Grooming Resource of this site.  Get the formula down and your manes can look like this every time.  I suspect this took about 35 minutes. Here's how to learn to braid like a pro.


*This grey is SHINING IN THE DARK for Lucky Braids All-In-One Shampoo.