Seems everyone has resigned themselves to light-colored horses having yellow shadows and disgusting tails. I understand. You wash and spray over and over and over. Still, the horses are stained. It’s not for lack of trying! The system is flawed. Adding more toxic sprays is not a sound solution.
Conventional products may clean and detangle for a moment… but the dried-out hair sucks up stains and discolors. The whiteners and detanglers promote staining. It’s mind-bending.
There is a better option and it’s easy. Use Lucky Braids All-In-One Shampoo. Dry legs and comb tails wet as directed. Then, they come bright, super shiny and EASY TO KEEP CLEAN. Different game. Think: iridescent and stain resistant.
Initially, wash tails 3-4 times in a row to get past the buildup of detangler. When the Lucky Braids Shampoo lathers, you are to the tail and it will start to brighten. In this case, more washing leads to cleaner and healthier hair and skin. It moisturizes, soothes and protects. Then, weekly washing is sufficient.
For big fluffy tails with strong strands that grow great, bathe with Lucky Braids Shampoo and comb while wet as directed on bottle. Tails dry floaty and super easy to maintain. Grooms say they can just shake shavings out for a week.
Lucky Braids Whitener/Dry Wash is a quick fix for ANY COLOR hair. Just spray and wipe in the morning or at a muddy ring.
For tough old stains you’ll need more time for the enzyme to penetrate and lift stains. It’s a live enzyme, so when it dries it is inactive. Spray the discolored hair and keep wet with the spray as long as possible. You may need to work on it for a while as those stains are baked-in. Though, once you are ahead of stains it will be easy to just brush most of them off, if you simply use Lucky Braids Shampoo. It’s all in one and all you need.
Think of Lucky Braids Shampoo as therapy. It will boost shine and quell skin issues. If you use other shampoos or soaps, you are drying skin and hair out and making horses prone to stains and skin issues.
So, you decide. Are you going to be uphill, always fighting stains and skin problems? Or are you going to lock into the Lucky Braids paradigm to keep it simple and sweet?
Feel free to call us with any questions: 781-665-5988.
If you are in Wellington or Ocala, I am happy help your grooms, in English or Spanish, understand how to optimize. That way, their job is easier, horses are comfy in their skin the system is cost-effective.
Ruthann Smith