Shiny Happy Horses- Horse Care Blog | Lucky Braids for Top Turnout

Shiny Happy Horses

June 13, 2024


Not Just a Win

This isn’t just another championship! It’s in Virginia, the spiritual home of hunters! The stands were packed❣️
Learn about the keen horsemanship involved for Amanda Steege and Lafitte De Muze to win BIG at Upperville...

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June 06, 2024


We're Back!

We're back! During our break from social media, we focused on some of our favorite things... excellence in horsemanship and animals comfy in their skin...

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November 22, 2023


Stablewear for Soundness

Would you wear tight pajamas that pinch? What is your day like if you don't rest well? Your horse needs to sleep comfortably, too. Clothing for bed is not just a matter of keeping horses warm. If sheets pull or restrict the shoulder when the horse lie down, he'll get stiff and sore. Blood is constricted in the area, so...

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February 15, 2018



True love is making horses comfortable in their skin.  Here's how the feel is passed through generations of great grooms, as well as how you can save on prized grooming products for horses and dogs...

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November 13, 2017


Moving Horses' Blankets

Do you know a horse that gets defensive when you fuss with his blankets?  He's had a bad experience.  Never pull horses' clothes.  It hurts!

To keep horses comfy and warm, fold blankets forward and LIFT to move them. 

Here's more Blanketing Rules.
June 23, 2017


Snowy White

stop tail stains


Here’s a proven and guaranteed program for tails to be SNOWY WHITE, bright and SHINY.

Rule #1: Don’t use detangler. It can discolor. Plus, you WON’T NEED and added conditioner nor detangler with this program.
Rule #2: Don’t use conventional whitening shampoos. Did you ever notice those horses always seem to get dirty? Drying shampoos...

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May 28, 2017


All-In-One Shampoo

Keep it simple & SAVE.

Lucky Braids All-In-One Shampoo is basically all you'll need.  Yes, ONE PRODUCT is more effective than many, many.

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